Sunday, January 11, 2009

Golden fried chicken with potatoes

chicken-1 kg
potatoes-1/2 lg
curd-2 to 3 tablespoons(thick curd without water)
chili powder-1 to 2 tablespoons
turmeric-1 tsp
salt to taste
meat masala-2 table spoons(this is the made at home kind)
oil to fry

marinade all chicken with all the above ingredients and keep aside.
pressure cook the potatoes till they are half done,cool and remove skin
fry the potatoes in oil(enough to cover them a bit but not deep fried)and keep aside
cook chicken in pressure cooker(if the chicken is tender fry directly as the curd would have softened the meat)without water
fry chicken in the oil till its a nice brown colour,at this point when it shreds don't worry just keep going.
meanwhile soak the fried potatoes in the chicken stock(there will be enough when the chicken is pressure cooked,so don't waste it)
put the chicken,potatoes and gravy back in the pan and mix well and cook on low flame till all the pieces are coated with the gravy.Serve hot garnished with fresh coriander leaves

If there are any leftovers,remove meat from bones and mix the meat with a little mayonnaise.Butter toast and spread the chicken mix and make a neat chicken sandwich.

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