Thursday, February 26, 2009

mango mania

The first signs that summer is here is the heat of course,but if that still left you with the fond hope that perhaps the heat was a passing phase,rest assured that the mango tree will dispel any such hope.As the temperature rises the mango tree bursts into bloom and while the flowers are still in the process of becoming little mangoes,the fruit is already available in the market,the street urchins are out with their pocket full of stones to throw at the mango and there is every danger that either our window pane or the glass of the car is bound to be hit sooner than later.Naturally this is also the time to indulge in a mango binge.Its starts with the raw mango.In its pure form one just eats it,savouring the tart,spine tingling rawness of this king of fruit.Once that has happened,the mango is turned into a number of equally lovely recipes until the time its all about the ripe fruit,in which case there are another host of recipes to choose from.
When a mango addict friend from Germany arrived at our door,the reason to start the mango rush was on.Of course like he says a stolen mango tastes far better than the bought one but as the neighbours tree is yet to fruit,we have to settle for the legitimate one.My mother has gone into overdrive and so have we,so between kerala and andhra,we have some interesting combos that I soon modify to create the all new madras recipe.As starters we are listing a few here.

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