Tuesday, July 17, 2007

munchkins obsessions

My obsession with food started while I was very young.My first love was frozen amul butter in a piece of bread.The feeling of biting into frozen butter was sheer heaven.I modified it later to frozen salted butter in a bed of hot steamed rice and the effect was the same.
The next big discovery was mussels.Green black shells that split open when steamed.Lovely salt sea aroma wafted through my mothers kitchen and I waited patiently till it cooled.The excuse to help my mother was just that...an excuse.Half the steamed mussels went directly into my mouth.The flavour brings vivid images of crashing waves and black rocks and salty air.My mother would then add the garlic,large pods of it,along with chilli powder,turmeric and salt.Deep fried mussels tasted even better and finally what was left went into pickle.What did mussel pickle taste like a week into creation?.I never found out.We finished it even before the masalas soaked into the mussels.This was a food fit for the gods and there really was no point in keeping it.
Food keeps me going,my imagination is fired by food.Every situation,person and thing can be related to food.
If food be the music of life....play on

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